Tuesday, June 9, 2009

31. Enroll Caleb in a Gymboree class.

Completed! :) Noah has been attending Gymboree since he was 18 months old (we took the last year off since he was in preschool) and I've been wanting to sign Caleb for classes as well, but because they would have to be in different leveled classes, I didn't think it was possible...its not like I could take Caleb to a class and have Noah sit and wait for an hour, or vice versa. My dilemma was solved when our Gymboree started holding sibling classes! Siblings aged 0-5 are welcome to play and learn together in ONE class...brilliant. So I went and signed both of them up today, and was pleasantly surprised when I saw I was charged $65 LESS than what the website stated! :)

Caleb L O V E D it!!! When Noah first started, it took him forever to warm up, and even then, he was still very cautious and rarely participated in the group activities. Caleb, while a little too young to really participate, was very interactive and not scared at all...and he loved the bubbles. :)

Our Gymboree also has open play gym hours so I can take to the kids to play in the afternoons as well...I'm sure I'll be utilizing that as it gets VERY hot down here in FL in the summer.

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