Wednesday, December 30, 2009


You can scratch the following off my list...

1. Print pictures and put them in picture frames.
For Christmas, we got my ILs 2 frames and framed a bunch of pictures of the family for them. While I wanted to do this for our family as well, I did print out a bunch of snapshots for us that are just waiting to be put in frames. :)

4. Organize and pare down my makeup stash.
I put this on my list because I knew I would keep putting this off if I didn't have a deadline. For as long as I can remember I have been into makeup and (before kids) I used to buy items just because they were "pretty." A lot of things went unused and those unused items have followed me for years. I finally got all the makeup in front of me and purged old things, things I didn't use, and near-empty containers. I purchased a mini Sterlite drawer set and it is now the happy home of all my makeup. :)

11. Get a babysitter and have a date night once a month for 6 months. [6/6]
When I originally added to this my 101, I thought it would be nearly impossible to achieve because Mike & I DO NOT get babysitters. It has always been our parents who have watched our kids. Well, moving 900 miles away from our families was enough to get over that! :) Earlier this year, we met some great friends who have a CPR-trained teenage daughter...and the rest was history. :)

69. Organize the boys' library.
The boys have massive amounts of books. We have books pouring out of every orafice in this house. We have books in our living room, Noah's room and our office. I finally got around to gathering all the books and contained them in their respective spots: a big basket in the living room, a cabinet in Noah's room, and a book shelf in the office. :)

91. Play the Wii.
So Noah has been playing the Wii more than Mike & I have been since he turned 4. One day while he was playing, I was sitting next to him reading a book. He asked me if I wanted to play; I said, no its ok. He insisted I play and handed me the controller. I played for a bit and admit it was fun. (I am typically not a video game player...)

92. Buy a new coffeemaker.
I have been wanting a new coffeemaker for awhile and my MIL got me one for Christmas! Its a Hamilton Beach percolator and I love it. It brews quickly, is space-saving and makes a great cup of coffee. :)

My laptop had another unfortunate accident this past week (I hate it...I have since taken Noah's laptop and added a MACbook to my wishlist) so I don't have access to my the photos that go with these goals. You'll just have to take my word for it. ;)

1 comment:

AviesMom said...

WOW!!! You go girl!! This is a lot of stuff to cross off your list! Way to start off 2010. :) Keep it up! And I'm going to have to tell Matt about that coffeemaker. I broke mine a few months ago.